Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cafe days and work

I have been thinking back to a few years ago when I lived in Los Angeles. I use to do shows and I really liked it. Here is a pic of me performing at the UBG in Burbank, CA.
At first it got off to a rocky start when my booker was putting me in the wrong venues. But once she figured out what kind of audience I needed, or needed me, it was cool. I have been going back to the guitar allot more lately, writing more songs, spending hours playing. I love it. I want to start playing shows out here. Maybe even form a band. Record a bit too. Cup of Joe does an open mic night every Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00. I was planning on attending but ended up working last. These are two of the classiest dames I work with. Melissa and Mac
Work can be cool; also a drag. But it is amazing the places we can find comfort if we just keep ourselves open to it.

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